KBU Residential Halls

It is everyone’s dream, including those in the family or those who are close to the students, to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree that offers the best quality of education. Higher education is everyone’s hope: students’, parents’, and close friends’. The success of those who enter depends on quality education, while the fulfillment of life on campus must be the best.

Kasem Bundit University fully understands the various concerns of parents whose goal is to send their children for quality education away from home to Bangkok. To help alleviate the burden and reduce the anxiety of parents, the University has established the policy to build a dormitory on Campus so that all students are eligible for accommodation.

The following combination of factors contributes to the success rate of graduation expected in the best possible way. First, the residential staff team is available to help with the basic needs in an instant in case of an emergency and is always ready for offering consultation at all times. Second, available in the office are resident assistants who are also ready for offering consultation. Third, fellow schoolmates and classmates are always willing to give further help privately. Lastly, total comfort in leisure moments and freedom to lead one’s private life in a proper manner.

Kasem Bundit Dormitory, On-Campus Dormitories, consists of five 12-story buildings divided into separate male and female living quarters. There are over 2,000 residential rooms for students.

The ambience blends higher education residence with the privacy of learners perfectly. This includes the relaxation in a large park right in front of the dormitory and the park along the canal.

All of our rooms come with following features
- Single bed with mattress
- Private closet
- Private deskWall mount fan
- Built-in bathroom
- TV antenna outlet (Cable TV outlet)
- Wireless Internet / LAN
- Telephone

Student Service Office
The residential hall office available 24/7 to serve resided students.
Study Rooms & Internet Room
Diverse sizes of study rooms at the residential halls are customized to serve study experience. The internet room is also available.

Health Care Services
The nurse office at residential hall building C is opened 24/7 and the KBU ambulance is stand by to transport to nearby hospital (5 -10 minutes away from Romklao campus). Medical doctor is available on Monday – Saturday from 12 pm – 1 pm at the nurse office on the 2nd floor of Kasem Nakara Building (Classroom building).

Food court & Convenient store
Various food stalls are available at the food court of the residential hall as well as the convenient store.

Laundry Services
Coin operated washing machines are available at all residential halls for self-laundry. Laundry service is also available at reasonable price.

Security measures
Key Card is required to enter the resided hall and floor. Under CCTV Surveillance Security Guards 24 Hours

Tram for on-Campus Commute

Rental Fee
With Air Conditioning: THB 1,300 /Month/Person
Without Air Conditioning: THB 1,000 /Month/Person
Remark: Each room is designed for two tenants